Oakleigh Contracts provides a fire rectification service for large scale buildings, and as part of this, our team can supply a localised uninterruptible power supply for your passenger lifts to support your escape strategy.
An uninterruptible power supply, also known as a UPS, acts as a back-up power supply by running off battery power rather than mains power - meaning it can provide power even when mains are interrupted. The UPS works by drawing upon mains power to initially charge, so that it is at maximum capacity and can be relied upon in the event of an emergency.
The UPS ensures passenger lifts run for 30 mins minimum after the mains power has failed, allowing enough time for physically impaired people to evacuate safely.
To safely carry out this service, Oakleigh Contracts works alongside independent fire engineers throughout, from inspection and a Fire Risk Assessment to final installation; our thorough and accredited service ensures our team correctly determines the requirements of your building to implement a reliable and safe escape strategy.
How long will a UPS provide power for?
The duration of power supply depends on the type of UPS you utilise. UPSs can provide hours of power; however, it must be noted that if the UPS is used to power passenger lifts, then the lifts should only run for 30 minutes after the start of the fire. This allows enough time for fire fighters to clear floors and evacuate any remaining occupants.
What are the regulations surrounding UPSs and emergency lifts?
UK legislation surrounding fire safety has changed, requiring stricter measures. Included within this is BS 9999 Annex G, which states that all passenger lifts intended for evacuation use must now have a backup power supply independent of mains power. This supply must be EN 50171 rated.
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